How the Fast Blast Blast Chiller and Shock Freezer can save you money

How the Fast Blast Blast Chiller and Shock Freezer can save you money

Commercial kitchen equipment in the food and beverage industry operates with tight margins, and it's important to continually streamline your production in your commercial kitchen.

When it comes to working more efficiently, increasing food quality, and boosting your bottom line, a blast freezer can help you achieve a significant return on investment.

Here are some simple ways that the blast freezer can help save your business money

How do they operate?

They operate in a similar fashion to combi or convection ovens with
powerful fans creating a fast even air flow, except the air is, of course, very cold instead of hot. Using a high-powered refrigeration system, cold air is blasted laterally over the product at high speed, extracting heat at an optimum rate, whilst maintaining food quality. Once the food is out of the Danger Zone and the chill or freeze cycle is complete, the equipment switches into "Hold mode" to keep the food at the required temperature (+3?C if chilled, -18?C if frozen)

Extend shelf life
Unlike normal commercial kitchen equipment solutions like blast chilling or blast freezing can significantly extend the shelf life of your food. With the addition of a blast freezer into your commercial kitchen, you can reduce moisture loss in cooked foods – increasing yield and maintaining delicious natural flavour and quality.

A chiller system also means you can keep much tighter product control, produce a higher quality of food all year around a, and cut the waste that can result from the traditional chilling and freezing process.

Buy in Bulk
As blast chiller or blast freezer ensures superior quality of your ingredients, you can buy larger quantities of produce when it is in season, readily available, and priced at its lowest. You can then store it for long periods of time, without compromising on quality or freshness.

It is widely accepted that in season premium quality products that have been blast frozen and thawed is often better quality than a fresh product that is available out of its peak season.

Blast chilling and blast freezing equipment simplifies your overall commercial kitchen ordering process, and enables you to plan more effectively, without too many disruptions to your menu caused by a lack of availability.

Reduce Waste
Kitchens with blast chillers and freezers throw away less food. Food left over, from a hot servery for example, can quickly and safely be chilled for later use, with complete confidence in its quality and safety.

Once prepared and chilled, only the correct numbers need be reheated, as legislation states that chilled food can be safely kept below +3?C for up to 5 days after production. Blast freezer from F.E.D help alleviate this problem, and enable you to reduce the likelihood of damaged food.

Operate more effectively
A blast freezer system can also streamline production processes within your commercial kitchen - assisting your staff to work faster and more effectively.

This gives you the flexibility to adjust your staffing levels to meet demand, as well as manage your overall operating costs.

Blast freezer also help you meet food safety requirements by reducing the potential growth of
micro-organisms which result in your food deteriorating more quickly.

Interested to find out more about what makes F.E.D's blast freezer superior to other commercial chiller and commercial refrigeration products?

Our network of dealer showrooms is well resourced to provide all the information you need on the Fast Blast range.
To see any of the equipment in action, simply contact your local showroom to book in for a demonstration. Our knowledgeable
sales team will help you in selecting the right commercial kitchen equipment for your business.

