Commercial Fridge Maintenance: How Often to Clean

commercial fridge and cooks

A commercial fridge is super important in places that serve food and drinks. But keeping it clean is a big deal, too. It's not just about making it look good; it's about making sure the food stays safe and fresh.

Businesses using these fridges have to find a balance. Whether it's a busy restaurant or a quiet café, each place needs a different cleaning schedule. If you don't clean these fridges regularly, it's not just the food that might go bad; the fridge itself might stop working properly, and that's a big problem.

Buying a commercial fridge is like making a long-term promise. It's not just about getting the fridge; it's about taking care of what's inside and ensuring people trust what you serve. Figuring out how often to clean these fridges isn't just a chore; it's a big job for anyone running a food-related business.

Guidelines for Cleaning Your Commercial Fridge

commercial fridge sparkling clean

Maintaining a consistent cleaning schedule for commercial fridges is crucial to stop bacteria from growing, keep the food fresh, and make sure the fridges work well. Below are some recommended times for cleaning:

  1. Daily Surface Cleaning: Wipe down the outer surfaces and handles using a mild soap solution every day to prevent the accumulation of dirt and germs. This quick wipe-down helps keep the fridge clean and lowers the chance of spreading harmful stuff.
  2. Weekly Inside Cleaning: Every week, take out all the food and shelves from the fridge. Use a safe cleaner to scrub the inside, especially where spills usually happen. Make sure everything's dry before putting the food back in.
  3. Monthly Thorough Cleaning: Once a month, defrost the fridge and let it warm to room temperature. Clean all the inside parts, like vents and coils, to remove any mould or gunk that might affect how well it works.
  4. Maintenance Every Three Months: Every three months, think about getting pros to check the fridge. They'll look for problems, make sure it seals properly, and check if it keeps the right temperature to keep your food safe.

Following these cleaning schedules improves cleanliness and helps the fridge work better, using less energy and avoiding malfunctions.

Factors Influencing How Often to Clean Commercial Fridges

commercial fridges and products inside

There are a few things that decide how often commercial fridges need cleaning. Knowing these factors helps set up specific cleaning plans.

  • How Often the Fridge is Used: Fridges that get used a lot, like those in busy places such as restaurants or big stores, might need cleaning more often. This is because they're constantly being opened and closed, and spills can happen more frequently.
  • Types of Food Stored and Spills: Think about what kind of food is kept in the fridge. If it's stuff that can spill easily or go bad quickly, the fridge might need more regular cleaning. This helps prevent smells, stops different foods from mixing, and prevents bacteria from growing.
  • Temperature Settings: When fridges are set to lower temperatures, it can slow down how fast bacteria grow. But even with lower temperatures, cleaning the fridge regularly is still important. Keeping it clean is still essential, even if fewer bacteria are around.
  • Meeting Cleanliness Rules: Following the cleanliness rules and guidelines set by health codes is important. These rules help ensure the food stays safe to eat and meets the industry's standards.

By considering these important factors, companies can create customized cleaning timetables that work well, keeping everything clean and ensuring that perishable items are safely stored.


Regular and proper cleaning of your business kitchen fridges is crucial, especially with commercial glass door fridges, because they are easily visible to customers and can impact their perception of your establishment's cleanliness and reliability. It is important to clean not just to keep things clean but also to ensure food stays fresh, meets rules and protects people's health. 

Following suggested cleaning steps and understanding what affects how often cleaning should happen helps companies meet cleanliness rules while making sure their fridges work well for longer. A fridge that's looked after well keeps food fresh and shows customers that the business cares about quality and trustworthiness.

